Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wine and Love v1

Wine and Love is brought to you by the very lovely Nora. You should participate!!

* Worry about money
* Worrying about if I'll have a job in a few weeks
* When I feel like there is nothing I can do to help my friends
* Not hearing anything for my sister about the food we sent her at work on Mother's Day
* Not hearing anything from my mom about Mother's Day

* Choreography is coming along nicely for all the pieces I am in this gala
* Saturday morning practice
* Learning to budget and meal plan (siounds crazy, I know)
* Joining a virtual book club


Nora said...

There is nothing crazy about getting a budget & meal plan together =) It's always nice to feel accomplished and have something like that in place! I totally get where you are coming from.

I can't stand it when I send something in the mail or to a friend/family member and hear nothing back. So frustrating.

Heather said...

@Nora Thank you so much :)

Linda said...

yay for budgeting and meal planning!
what book are you reading?

Heather said...

Linda- we haven't started the book club yet. Will let you know when we do! Would you like to participate?